Bromo Kawah Ijen Tours

Bromo Kawah Ijen Tours

Kawah Ijen

Kawah Ijen

Bromo kawah ijen tours still be one of the primadona for domestic & foreign tourist in east java because of their nature beauty that can’t find in any others places in the world.

here are ourTour packages :


Day 01 any destination (Surabaya Airport, Train Station, or Ketapang – Bromo

Upon arrival, meet and greeting with our Team before heading to your choosen Hotel, such as:At the “Cemoro Lawang” area we have Bromo Permai, Cemoro Indah, Cafe Lava, or Lava View Lodge.At the “Ngadisari” area we have the luxury villas in Java Banana Gallery,at the “Tosari” area we have the Bromo Cottage.And then, if you are agree we will give you the Free and Easy Program to discover Surabaya Heritage Tours such as visiting the Chinees Quarter with it Local Chinees Temple, Arabic Quarter with it Local Market, Kalimas Horbour with it “Pinishi” wooden boat, and at last but not least, we’ll be presenting you the “House of Sampoerna” for it Cigarette Kretek (Clove and Tobacco) hand made Gallery. And then we’ll proceed to your choosen Hotel arround Bromo area.

Day 02 Mt. Penanjakan and Bromo Tours

Wake-up very early in the morning (about 03.30am) and driving with 4WD Toyota Land Cruiser for visiting “Penanjakan” Mountain (about 2740m) well known for the best view of the beautifull colors “Sunrise” and to see the eruption of the highest Mountain in Java Island “Semeru” Mountain (about 3685m)and then we’ll go down to the Caldera and passing the “Sand of Sea” before visiting the Holly Mountain for the “Hindust” peoples Mount “Bromo” (about 2360m) to admire the undanger active crater. You can walk or riding a Pony Horse to reach the top of the Mount “Bromo”.

Proceed to your Choosen Hotel at Ijen area(Catimore Guest House, Arabica Guest House, Ketapang Indah Hotel, or Ijen Resort & Villa).Get Free and Easy Tours with our team such as:For those who stay at Catimore Guest House or Arabica Guest House, you can visit the “Mini Plantation Tour” & swiming at the Sempol Hot Spring Water.For those who stay at The Ketapang Indah Hotel, you can discover “Banyuwangi City Tour” with Becak (Cyclo push) Ride, visit the traditional market for every day life of local people and Local Chinese Temple.For those who stay at The Kawah Ijen Resort & Villa, we can take you to the gate of heaven by walking at the extra ordinary “Rice Fields Tour” and small tracking for “Village Tour”.

Day 03 Ijen tour – Tranfer to next destination

Early Morning (about 05.00am) after breakfast leaving your Hotel or Guest House to visit the amazing “Ijen Crater Tours” for admire the beauty of Sulfuric acid with the Tourqouise Colour Lake. And upon arrival at the edges of the crater you’ll be welcome with the fumarole (vulcanic gas eruption), depose 8 Tonnes of sulfur daily. And you’ll be amaze with the local people who can transport 60kg-110kg at once from the Mines untill the Foot of the Mt. Ijen by using only a bamboo ladders and pick sulfur with a bamboo basket.After Kawah Ijen Tours, we’ll transfer you to your next destination that you’ve arrange befor,End of Service.

Bromo – Mount Ijen -Surabaya Tour 4D/3N


We will pick you up on your arrival at Surabaya airport ,train stasion or may be from malang and transfer to your hotel in bromo. Leisure your own afternoon in local tribes.


Wake up call at 03.30 and drive to a view point of Penanjakan (2.705m) by jeep to see a beautiful sunrise and the mount bromo landscape. Going down the hill and proceed the sand sea to climb up mount bromo by feet or pony. Back to hotel for breakfast and drive to mount Ijen. Lunch en route. It will be arrive at hotel in the afternoon.


After having breakfast, exploring the largest of the coffee plantation in Indonesia and we climb up to mount Ijen. The ijen crater shows a special type of volcanic feature common to Indonesia, about 1 km in diameter and 175metres deep. The floor is covered completely by a warm lake, milky blue green in color with the approximately 2400 meter above sea level. Back to shelter and drive to Surabaya directly. We will arrive in Surabaya in the evening.


Enjoy your day at hotel till we take you to Surabaya airport.

Surabaya – Mount Ijen blue flame – sukamade – Bromo 5d/4n

Day 1 : Surabaya Airport – Banyuwangi Village (Ijen Blueflame)

Our staff will pick up you from airport by name board and moving toward to the Banyuwangi Village where Ijen Crater located. The journey will takes around 7 hours depends on traffic and in the middle you will stop for having lunch at local restaurant. Arrive to the hotel, stay for one night and relax.

Day 2 : Ijen Blueflame – Sukamade Turtle Beach

At 01.00 AM, our guide will accompany you to the small villages Licin and it will takes around 75 minutes driving. Arrive to the parking area, you will continue the trip trekking for 3 KM and take the time around 90 minutes until arrive to the top of Ijen Crater. From this view point, you will see the blueflame coming out from the sulfur spot. Our guide will guiding you to coming down to see blueflame closely (depends if the condition and situation is possible or not). Afterward, the 4WD will bring down back t the hotel, and during on the way you can see the coffe and cloves plantation. Exaclty at 10.00 AM, check out to the hotel, and continue drive around 4 hours (depends on traffic) to the Sukamade Beach. During on the way stop on Green Bay and Red Island depends on the time. After dinner around 07.00 PM, the 4WD car will accompany you to the beach and the ranger will guiding you to see the sea turtle come and lay eggs. The sea turtle ussualy starts coming at 07.00 PM until 12.00 AM. Afterward, back to the lodge and take a rest.

Day 3 : Sukamade Turtle Beach – Bromo

Early morning around 05.00 AM, you have your breakfast on the lodge and prepare to release the baby turtle on the beautiful beach with white sand. Along the way you will stop on Rajegwesi beach and Local Factory for Brown Sugar. The jurney will continue to the Probolinggo City where Mt. Bromo located. If you arrived before 05.00 PM, you can see the beautiful sunset on Mentigen area. Check in hotel and prepare for tomorrow morning.

Day 4 : Bromo Sunrise – Transfer to Surabaya

Around at 03.00 AM, the 4WD car will accompany you to the world famoust view point at Mt. Penanjakan to take some amazing shoot of Bromo sunrise which surrounded by slope of Mt. Bromo and an active highest volcano on java island Mt. Semeru (3676). After enjoying the panorama the trip will continued to the sea of sand and trekking to the top of Mt. Bromo (you can choose walk or by horse). 4WD car will bring you back to the hotel around 08.00 AM and ready for breakfast. Afterward, continue the trip to Surabaya and check in hotel.

Day 5 : Surabaya city tour then tranfer to airport

After breakfast then check out and haveing short surabaya city tour after that drive you to surabaya airport.

For your booking and detail information just feel free to contact us

bromo tour very fantastic

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