Heritage Tour Package

Heritage Tour Package 02 days 01 night

Candi Tikus Trowulan Mojokerto

Candi Tikus Trowulan Mojokerto

Route: Surabaya – Mojokerto – Tretes – Malang – Surabaya.

Day 1: upon arrival at Juanda Airport or Train Station in Surabaya, meet and great with our team. The trip starting to visit historical places in Trowulan, Mojokerto. Here, you will visit the ancient temples from Mojopahit emperor, which was the largest emperor in Asia. Not only the temple, you will also find out the Trowulan Museum, where is the place of ancient heritages from Mojopahit. There are so many historical tourism objects in Trowulan, like Brahu Temple, WringinLawang Temple, Kolam Segaran or Segaran Pool, Pendopo Agung, etc.

Next, you will visit the Recolanang Temple. The shape of Recolanang Temple is like Budha statue, located on Trawas Mountain. Besides visiting Recolanang Temple, the beautiful scenery around the temple will also catch you and the weather is so fresh and pure breath. Overnight at Tretes View Hotel*** (L,D)

Day 02: leaving the Hotel at 09.00am And then visit Jawi Temple. Continue to Malang Region en route visiting Singosari Temple, Dwarepala Guardian, Sumberawan Temple. Heading at Tumpang Village to discover the ancien Jago Temple and Kidal Temple, stoping by at legendary “Toko Oen” and visiting Malang City with passing by at Ijen Boulevard for the Dutch Colonial Houses. Back to Surabaya for your final destiation. (B,L,D)

For your booking and detail information just feel free to contact us

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